Saturday, October 7, 2023

Demesnes & Domination Addenedum



Hey folks! I just uploaded an addendum to Demesnes & Domination to a shareable google drive. This addendum adds two additional concepts, the Demesne Bonus and the Adventuring Bonus. These bonus increase along with the player character's level

- The Demesne Bonus is used to modify the Influence reaction roll and for Diplomacy. The bonus reflects the character's renown as a ruler of a domain. However this comes with the increasing chance of a Class Complication, which function as an event that requires the player characters to take action due to their status within the milieu.

- The Adventuring Bonus is sued too provide a minor bonus to a specific class ability based on the player's class once they reach 9th level.

Both of these concepts are optional but are provided to give more options for higher level characters. This document is already uploaded on Itch and as a pay-what-you-want pdf on Drivethrurpg. It was designed to be printed out and inserted into your print copy of Demesnes & Domination, but if fine as a pdf as well!Check out the link below to access it. Enjoy!

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